Denial! Smoking while driving is no infringement

Sure you’ve read the news these days runs like wildfire through social networks: driving smoking now carries a fine of 4,000 €. DGT belies … but warns.Denial! Smoking while driving is no infringement

You have read in Facebook, on Twitter and even, perhaps even in a message circulating WhatsApp: from today, smoking while driving carries fines of up to 4,000 euros and 4 points of meat. The news has spread all kinds of forums … to the point that had to be own Traffic Department (DGT) which has had to step out to deny it to the turn was reaching the supposed information.

Thus, through a released twit in his official account the social network (@DGTes), DGT now confirms that “smoking while driving is noninfringement“As it was spreading. However, the body itself if it finds that can have consequences and, depending on the case, to be fine … but not because of smoking itself.

The DGT says that smoking exchange “It can be punishable if done causing distraction or putting road safety at risk“. In this case it must be an agent which considers that, while smoking, the driver runs with conditions such as diminished by not having a hand or diverting your attention from the road.

Smoking while driving is noninfringement. It can be punishable if it becomes distracting or provoking # putting road safety at risk

– Dir Gral Traffic (@DGTes) February 20, 2017..

So this canard debunked, yes we should consider that the Traffic Regulations, Article 18, paragraph 1, Yes prohibits that practice or action that may lead to a decreased attention on the road. “The driver of a vehicle must maintain their own freedom of movement, the necessary field of vision and permanent attention to driving, to ensure their own safety, the rest of the occupants and that of other road users. ” Invoking articles like this, manipulating the wheel mobile devices and even control as the car multimedia system itself could be liable to lead to penalties. This type of sanction could mean fines up to 100 euros (lack would be considered mild), provided that interfere with driving practices.

Smoking therefore is not properly specified as prohibited in the Rules of the road, but in exchange Yes throw cigarette butts out the window of the vehicle, which would in such a case the loss, now of 4 points and up to 200 euro fine.

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